Sponsorship and Trade Exhibition at DA2024

Mark your calendar with sponsorship and/or trade exhibition at Australia's peak dietetic body conference this August, at DA2024 in Brisbane!  

The DA2024 working group invites organisations to partner with Dietitians Australia for our 41st conference, as either an exhibitor, sponsor or both! This year’s exhibition will encourage connectivity with exhibitors showcasing their products and services in an interactive and engaging face-to-face environment. 

Dietitians Australia welcomes interest from organisations who have products or services that assist dietitians in their roles and help them to build healthier communities, including but not limited to medical equipment suppliers, software and technology providers, business resource providers, pharmaceutical and supplement companies, and more.

For more information on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, email daconference@dietitiansaustralia.org.au 

Click here to apply today!